Issue No. 6 | Anti New Year's Resolutions

Issue No. 6 | Anti New Year's Resolutions


Anti New Year's Resolutions

By Gigi Robinson

FOR YEARS I GRAPPLED WITH my relationship with my body in part because I felt constantly betrayed by it. I live with a chronic illness, endometriosis, which is far more common than people realize—affecting one in ten women—and yet the physical and emotional toll that it produces is so often misunderstood, under discussed and misdiagnosed.

I still deal with it on a daily basis, while experiencing the constant barrage of diet culture and weight loss content that most young women face (since probably forever). I used to think losing weight was the ultimate sign of self-care and health, but luckily, I’ve learned that approach, especially when dealing with chronic health issues, is unproductive and detrimental to my mental health as well. Health isn’t a cookie-cutter journey that looks the same for everyone. Prioritizing weight loss without first considering your overall relationship with food, exercise, and well-being can do more harm than good. 

Instead, I’ve embraced the concept of body neutrality—a mindset that prioritizes functionality and respect for my body over negative thought patterns and scrutiny. My worth is not tied to how I physically look or what I weigh. It’s about appreciating my body for what it allows me to do, even when it’s not performing the way I wish it would due to my health limitations. This shift has given me the clarity and freedom to explore other ways health and self-care can look like for me. Now I’m redefining my relationship with food and exercise—not as tools to shrink my body, but as ways to nourish and care for it. 

Another game-changer for me? Doing a social media feed cleanse. The content we consume shapes our beliefs, including how we see our bodies. I’ve made a conscious effort to unfollow accounts that promote unrealistic beauty standards, heavy editing, or weight-centric messaging. Instead, I seek out creators and communities that inspire me and remind me that self-care is about thriving, not depriving. 

I recently heard a mantra that deeply resonated with me: trade expectations for appreciation, and watch the world around you become more beautiful. When I let go of my expectations for my body, health, or achievements, I set myself up to appreciate how far I’ve come. My body may not always feel like a friend, but I’m learning to make peace with it, and that has made my experience living brighter.

For anyone navigating the challenging terrain of chronic illness, body image, or mental health, know that you're not alone. Self-care isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress and honoring your needs.

As we head into a new year, let's focus on setting intentions instead of resolutions. I hope you’ll join me in this journey of embracing body neutrality, celebrating progress, and making space for all the beauty life has to offer.


With the most love and gratitude, 


Gigi Robinson


Gigi Robinson is a 26-year-old advocate for body image, mental health, and chronic illness. She wears multiple hats as a public speaker, author, and content creator, but her most meaningful work comes from her personal journey and connecting with others @itsgigirobinson.